Anal fistula surgery is a surgical procedure performed to treat an anal fistula, a condition where a small tunnel forms between the anal gland and the skin near the anus. This condition can cause discomfort, pain, and discharge of pus or blood. Surgery is often the most effective way to treat this condition and prevent it from recurring. It is usually performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation.

The surgeon will make an incision near the fistula to drain the pus and remove any infected tissue. The incision may be made either in the skin or in the anus, depending on the location of the fistula. Once the infected tissue is removed, the surgeon will create a pathway from the anal gland to the surface of the skin, which allows for proper drainage of the glandular fluid. This pathway is called a fistulotomy.

The fistulotomy procedure is performed using a scalpel, and it involves cutting the fistula tract open and allowing it to heal from the inside out. This process may take several weeks or months, and it is important to keep the wound clean and dry during this time. The surgeon may also insert a seton, a thin piece of surgical thread or wire, into the fistula to help keep it open and facilitate drainage. This may be left in place for several weeks or months until the fistula has healed.

In conclusion, anal fistula surgery is a safe and effective way to treat an anal fistula and prevent it from recurring. The procedure involves removing infected tissue and creating a pathway for proper drainage. While recovery can take several weeks or months, most patients are able to return to normal activities after a full recovery. If you are experiencing symptoms of an anal fistula, speak to your healthcare provider about treatment options.

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